GIVEAWAY: Mieliepop 2018 tickets

The Republic of Mieliepop is happening at Tolderia Resort, near Lothair, Mpumalanga on 21-24 March 2018. And we’ve got a double ticket to give away to one lucky reader!

GIVEAWAY: The last Park Acoustics of 2016

Park Acoustics is firmly established as Pretoria’s primary, regular must-attend one-day music festival. This November, they’re putting on a special Saturday end-of-year event on the 26th, featuring the usual music and comedy stages, but also the Griet 8th Birthday Stage and Bobbejaan Street Theatre in the evening, and a Movember Silent Continue Reading

Capital Craft Beer Festival 2016 – Win Tickets!

The Capital Craft Beer Festival is a well-established annual highlight on Pretoria’s craft beer and live music calendar. And after last year’s great festival (but entrance & queueing problems), they’ve decided to break tradition this year, and move the event to the Pretoria National Botanical Garden. The Capital Craft Beer Festival 2016 Continue Reading