Deadpool: A superhero movie with a twist, with another twist

You’ve very probably seen Deadpool described as a “superhero movie with a twist”. It has the Marvel logo at the start, it features a guy in a colourful suit, and there’s an extra scene after the credits. But on the other hand, (just like the comic book) it’s more self-referential and meta than Continue Reading

The Hateful Eight – Tarantino wants to get there last

Samuel L. Jackson portrays the bounty hunter Major Marquis Warren in Quentin Tarantino’s 8th film, The Hateful Eight. “Let’s slow it down,” he says at one point, while aiming his revolver at other characters. “Let’s slow it way down.”

What The Force Awakens does right

I don’t know if there’s ever been a movie with higher expectations than Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Okay, maybe The Phantom Menace, but that’s the black sheep of the family we don’t talk about. The pressure to get things right must have been extreme. I’m pretty surprised director JJ Abrams Continue Reading