Arcade Empire and Griet’s Halloween party is always the place to be in Pretoria on Halloween weekend. And this year, they’re throwing a massive party at the Voortrekker Monument on 29 October. To get your hands on a double ticket courtesy of, check out our giveaway below!Arcade Empire & Griet proudly present: Halloween 2016.
A lot more fun, terror and eerie vibes await. Be afraid, this party’s about to go a whole other level of creepy.
- 25 Acts
- 3 Stages
- Epic Decor
- 3 Large bars
- Event Photographers
- Mad Sound & Production
- Bobbejaan DJs
- Chambers
- Matthew Mole
- December Streets
- Hellcats
- Art Snakes
- Grassy Spark
- Nomadic Orchestra
- Thor Rixon
- Push Push
- RebelClef
- Bittereinder
- Niskerone
- Grimehouse
- D&S
- Bongani Zulu
- Felix Brendel
- Master Simz
- Trancemicsoul
- Popartlive
- Kyle Watson

Date: 29 October 2016
Venue: Voortrekker Monument, Pretoria
Time: 4PM – 2AM
Tickets: R160 pre-sold & R200 at the door
TICKET GIVEAWAY: To stand a chance of winning a set of double tickets to HALLOWEEN 2016 at the Voortrekker Monument, simply use the comments section below to tell us which of the acts you’d most like to see, and what they should dress up as (bonus marks for creativity). Competition closes Thursday 13 October.
Mathew mole should dress up like the naked mole rat from Kim possible
Chambers should dress up as characters from Harry Potter and the Chamber of secrets
Hell Cats…and dressed up as the jigsaw clown in Saw…. 😉
Hellcats should dress like 2 Power Rangers from a alternate universe where the rest of the team has been wiped out and now they return with vengeance on Halloween!
VIMO…VIMO…VIMO fuxving VIMO✌ he should come dressed as superman Yoda
Pop Art should dress up as The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air and Matthew Mole as Kahn from The Parltones.
Grassy Spark should totally dress up as one giant ghost: one sheet covering the whole band with giant cut outs for eyes. Suprise attack! Everyone is dressed as individual sheet ghosts! (and ready to perform a sick set!)
Congrats Ashley! Your very creative answer has been chosen to win our double ticket to Halloween 2016! Look out for an email from us, and send us the necessary info ASAP to claim your tickets!
Haezer and Grimehouse! Haezer should dress up as Darth Vader and Grimehouse as one of DarthVader’s stormtroopers. That would be the perfect fit!
December Streets! They should dress up as The 4 Ninja Turtles and Splinter (the turtles trainer)
I am super excited for Grassy Spark, they should go as the avengers!!!
OMG Kyle Watson should go as the Joker that would be insane
Bittereinder should go as the characters in sausage party so amped to see them would love to win these tickets
Haezer definitely has to come dressed as Anubis, the Egyptian God of War. His track “God Mode” is just too epic for him not to come as Anubis!
Bittereinder should come as Tron characters with fully lit suits!
Hell yes for Hellcats! With Alessandro Banigni as Captain Jack Sparrow and Warwick Rautenbach as Will Turner. #RockPirates
i am super excited to check out Haezer, Grimehouse and Bittereinder. i know Grimehouse will pull out the Face mask but it would be dope if they all dressed up as different Star Wars characters with Haezer Being Darth Vader hahaha Cant wait to whip up my costume for this event. its going to be Radd!!!!
Grimhouse! I’m sorry but he should defs do a take on Darth raven from the new star wars! Ive always thought he would pull off that costume so well:D His mask resembles the grimhouse mask and would totally be cool! To add in some details. Instead of green and white he should have a red light behind him and a black mask like Darth raven. With a black hood/cape