#FliekInAfrikaans Double Feature – High Fidelity en Scott Pilgrim vs the World

Ons kyk twee flieks, spesifiek met ‘n oog op ooreenkomste, vergelykings, of hoe die twee flieks een-na-die-ander mekaar beïnvloed. Vandag, twee flieks oor musiekbehepte romantikuste. High Fidelity is beskikbaar op iTunes by https://itunes.apple.com/za/movie/high-fidelity/id204357007Scott Pilgrim is op Prime video by https://www.primevideo.com/detail/0QSRTV46ZSEKHTNYIJ1A5MFZL0/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_rop Google Play by https://play.google.com/store/movies/details/Scott_Pilgrim_vs_The_World?gl=ZA&hl=en&id=v_4fVtMgM3Ien op iTunes by https://itunes.apple.com/za/movie/scott-pilgrim-vs-the-world/id400261649

Terugspoel Top 40 flieks #9 – Scott Pilgrim vs The World (2010)

#09 uit my Top 40 flieks van alle tye: Scott Pilgrim vs the World (2010) Geregisseer deur Edgar Wright. Geskryf deur Edgar Wright en Michael Bacall. Gegrond op die Scott Pilgrim-reeks deur Bryan Lee O’Malley. Met Michael Cera, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kieran Culkin, Chris Evans, Anna Kendrick, Alison Pill, Brandon Continue Reading

Molly’s Game pulls a poker face? Nope, we don’t know how the game works

Honestly, I don’t really get poker. I get confused about which card combinations are worth more than others. In fact, I have a hard time remembering the card combinations that make up the different game hands. There are more versions of the game than you can shake a hand of Continue Reading

LEGO Batman works alone but you should bring your friends

The LEGO Batman Movie assured its success when it combined two of the great cultural landmarks we as humans have: LEGO and Batman. If you loved 2014’s The LEGO Movie you’ll definitely want to check this one out. Part sequel, part spin-off and certainly the most successful DC movie to Continue Reading