#08 uit my Top 40 flieks van alle tye: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2003) Geregisseer deur Michel Gondry. Geskryf deur Charlie Kaufman, Michel Gondry, en Pierre Bismuth. Met Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Kirsten Dunst, Mark Ruffalo, Elijah Wood en Tom Wilkinson.
Charlie Kaufman
Terugspoel Top 40 flieks: #38 – Human Nature
#38 uit my Top 40 flieks van alle tye: Human Nature (2001) Geregiseer deur Michel Gondry. Met Tim Robbins, Rhys Ifans, Miranda Otto en Patricia Arquette.
Anomalisa: Investigating the human condition
If you’re really good at showing the honest, tangible fragility of human beings in the films that you write or direct, why would you make a stop-motion movie with puppets? Not only that, but the puppet characters in Charlie Kaufman‘s Anomalisa are obviously puppets. The seams on the puppets’ interchangeable faces are clearly visible, and Continue Reading