Muddy or Magnificent – Mieliepop 2018

It’s your third year in a row going to Mieliepop, so you have a pretty good idea of what to expect. What to pack, where the good camping spots are, what time of day to go for a booze cruise, et cetera. But then, just a day or two before Continue Reading

Crash Test Dummies – 20 years on, as (ir)relevant as ever

You see a lot of complaints online every time a major international band gets booked to perform in South Africa. Terms like “irrelevant” and “has-beens” get used, often accompanied by “haven’t released an album in 20 years.” And I’m pretty sure similar sentiments were expressed when Crash Test Dummies were Continue Reading

Incubus in Pretoria – Bucket List item: Checked.

Incubus has long been a favourite band of mine, and of many loved ones. Hits like Pardon Me, Megalomaniac, and especially Wish You Were Here has long adorned my playlists, so when it was announced that Incubus had added a South African stop on their latest tour, it didn’t take Continue Reading

Angus & Julia Stone brings it at Parklife

My 2018 music festival season was kicked off by Parklife this past Saturday, setting the mood for a relaxing weekend. One of the best things about Parklife is that you know what you are getting: The same iconic branding, same great people and consistently amazing tunes.

RECAP: Liefde by die dam 2017

Alhoewel ek nie self by verlede jaar s’n was nie, kon mens agterkom aan die gehoor dat Liefde By Die Dam 2017 reeds soos ‘n instelling voel. Daar is ‘n rustige gemak aan die konsertgangers by Emmarentia Dam, wat heel waarskynlik omtrent op hul agterstoep kon kom piekniek hou, musiek luister, en Continue Reading

TICKET GIVEAWAY: We were at OneSight Acoustics

It’s pretty hard to organise an event with an all-star lineup. For one thing, you can’t have every band be the headliner. So at this past Sunday’s OneSight Acoustics event at the Good Luck Bar, you’d have had to be there at 2pm already, if you wanted to see December Continue Reading

Mieliepop 2016 – what every festival should be

What’s the first thing you think of when you hear the term “music festival”? If you’re from Gauteng, it’s most likely dust. And crowds. And drunk youths. But then there’s Mieliepop. Beforehand, it looked like bad weather might intrude on the weekend. But the sunshine arrived just on time. A simple, Continue Reading

Mumford and Sons at the Voortrekker Monument

What a show. Mumford and Sons need no introduction. They brought the banjo into modern pop-rock, and cemented their place on the charts with good harmonies, writing, and lyrics. And we’ve all been told excitedly by a teenage girl at a party how the band members can each play all Continue Reading