Have you heard of Tarantino Funk ‘n Roll Groove? Well if you haven’t you are in for an upbeat fun-loving treat! The Lectric Monks are finally releasing their EP for us to enjoy at home. For those of you that haven’t seen them live at one of their many shows, Continue Reading
Lodemé Taljaard
Lodemé is an adventurous librarian who likes rainy weather to brood in and is overwhelmed with excitement at the mention of any food or beer.
Jack Parow se vierde les: Afrika 4 Beginners
Indien jy dit gemis het, Afrika 4 Beginners is Jack Parow se nuutste album wat November 2017 vrygestel was. Dit is met ope arms ontvang deur mense wat op en af spring en “Jack Parooooooow!” skree.