Eintlik Nogal Baie is Eintlik Nogal Anders as wat die plakkaat lyk

Eintlik Nogal Baie het ‘n tipiese Afrikaanse romantiese komedie-titel. EnĀ Eintlik Nogal Baie het ‘n tipiese Afrikaanse romantiese komedie-plakkaat. Maar dis nie ‘n tipiese Afrikaanse romantiese komedie nie. Eintlik nogal glad nie.

Love In The Time Of The Robot Uprising – Kabaal klankbaan releases Robot Girlfriend

As we move further and further into the future of convenience and technology, new possibilities are arising to find love, be it scanning dating apps for the perfect partner, stalking the girl of your dreams online or building the perfect mechanical partner that passes the Turing test to keep you Continue Reading